We're looking for volunteers for PTA events!
Thank you for donating your time to Vargas. The PTA would not be possible without the dedication and time of all the volunteers! The PTA truly adds a memorable experience to the education of our children and enriches the school campus in so many ways.
Volunteers for school events: we post volunteer shift sign-ups for specific events on Konstella. Please ensure you are enrolled in Konstella to receive these communications.
Long-Term PTA Volunteers: there are open positions for the 2023-24 school year.
Recurring Volunteer Activities
Throughout the school year, the PTA will seek assistance from volunteers for recurring activities such as those listed below. If you are interested in helping with any of these activities, contact president@javargaspta.org.
Language Liaison - Help the PTA and teachers translate important communications
General Communication - Help with creating/sending PTA announcements and emails
Community Building
Family Events - Organize family events throughout the year. Events such as Monster Bash, Family Movie Nights, and Community Nights
Room Parent/Classroom Volunteer - Help your child's teacher with various needs in the classroom and at home
Spirit Wear Sales - Volunteer to sell spirit wear at various events
Teacher/Staff Appreciation - Help organize staff luncheons etc.
Volunteer Appreciation - Organize 1-2 events per year to appreciate all of those parents/guardians who have volunteered their time to help our school
Walkathon - Help with the main fundraiser
Dining Out Nights - Help coordinate dining out nights
Book Fair Sales - Assist with the planning, set-up, or execution of the fair 1-2 times per year
Financial Secretary - Assist the treasurer with cash/check verification, bank deposits, etc.
Office help - Make copies or laminate items for teachers so they can spend time teaching and planning
General Help, as needed